Aboco and more...
"Aboco" is Esperanto for ABC and this one is an alphabet book with a difference!
Printed on firm mat-coated card, it can be handled as a book, or stretched out to make a wall chart over 7 metres long!
Each of the 28 letters of the alphabet was illustrated, using plasticene, by one of the students at The Foothills School, in Western Australia.
At the back of the book, the whole alphabet is listed, with extra lines to complete the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", often associated with singing the alphabet. It works as well in Esperanto as English.
All of the images reappear at the back of the book as a puzzle to see how many words have stayed in memory.
The book is only $25.00 and the complimentary teacher's guide and sing along sound file can be downloaded using the buttons below.
Meetings with Different People
The author has generously made this lovely PDF book available for free! It tells stories of people who are "different" in various ways, to encourage understanding.
Culturally Diverse Children
11 Children from very different cultures and environments tell their stories. In each story there is a puzzle or game for the reader. Highly recommended!
A wealth of books for your class
This slideshow shows some of the books that are available for your Esperanto-speaking class. Some are translated from English, or from any of many other languages, or are original works in Esperanto.
There are several online bookshops where you can buy books in Esperanto, such as those shown in the slideshow. This one loads fast, has a big stock and shows fair-sized images of the books, and reviews (once you can read them!). Most of the covers shown came from there. This one has a huge range and sometimes lower prices, but the site is horribly slow. It's not easy to manage in English either. This one is easy to access in English, their site is under reconstruction and more of their stock will be at the new address soon. Another one easily accessible in English is here. |